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Young Harris College Hosts Fifth Annual Undergraduate Research Day

Young Harris College students presented oral and poster presentations during the fifth annual Undergraduate Research Day.

Theatre Young Harris to Present Mainstage Season Finale The Spitfire Grill

Theatre Young Harris will present six performances of “The Spitfire Grill” in Dobbs Theatre located in Goolsby Center on the YHC Campus.

Young Harris College to Present Jazz Band Concert with Union County High School Jazz Band

The YHC Jazz Band in concert along with guest band Union County High School Jazz Band on Monday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Union County High School Performing Arts Center.

Rollins Planetarium to Present Laser Concert “Laser U2”

Rollins Planetarium at Young Harris College will present “Laser U2” on Friday, April 21, and Friday, April 28, at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Young Harris College’s Campus Gate Art Gallery Presents Spring Senior Thesis Exhibition

Young Harris College will present this year’s Senior Thesis Exhibition that represents a culmination of artwork by graduating seniors.

Dr. Heather Hendershot to Deliver Young Harris College’s Annual Hamilton Lecture

Dr. Heather Hendershot will deliver Young Harris College’s annual Hamilton Lecture with her presentation entitled “Mediating the Sacred and the Profane: William F. Buckley, Firing Line, and Religion.”

Young Harris College Students Inducted Into Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society

Six Young Harris College students were recently inducted into the Omega Tau chapter of the international communication studies honor society Lambda Pi Eta.

Young Harris College to Present Percussion Ensemble Concert

The Division of Fine Arts will present Percussion Ensemble Concert on Tuesday, Nov. 11, featuring talented Young Harris College students.

Young Harris College Receives Accolade for Excellence in Facility Design

The Rollins Campus Center and the Zell and Shirley Miller Library on the Young Harris College campus were recently recognized for excellence in design.

Young Harris College to Present Concert Band Concert

The Young Harris College Concert Band and theYoung Harris College Community Band will present a “Collage of Classics” on Thursday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in the Suber Banquet Hall of the Rollins Campus Center on the YHC campus.

Young Harris College to Present Acapalooza Concert

The Young Harris College Division of Fine Arts will present the wildly entertaining Acapalooza!

Young Harris College to Present Piano Ensemble Concert

The Young Harris College Division of Fine Arts will present the YHC Piano Ensemble in concert on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m.

Young Harris College Welcomes Guest Artist Kimberly Cole Luevano

Dr. Kimberly Cole Luevano will perform as a guest artist on the Young Harris College campus for an evening of musical stylings on the clarinet.

Leading International Expert in Weather and Climate Dr. J. Marshall Shepard to Deliver Young Harris College’s Shaw Lecture

Dr. J Marshall Shepard will deliver a speech entitled “Zombies, Sports, and Cola: Implications for Communicating Weather and Climate” during Young Harris College’s annual Shaw Lecture.

Young Harris College to Host Third Annual Storytelling Festival

Young Harris College will host the third annual Georgia Mountain Storytelling Festival Friday, March31- Saturday, April 1.

Renowned Cobb Wind Symphony to Perform at Young Harris College

YHC welcomes the Cobb Wind Symphony to perform a special concert on Sunday, March 26, at 3 p.m. as part of the annual “Fay Harmon Clegg Hoag Concert Series."

Rollins Planetarium to Present Family-Friendly “Perfect Little Planet” and Crowd Favorite “Skies Over Georgia”

The O. Wayne Rollins Planetarium at Young Harris College will present two special shows on Friday, March 31, beginning with “Perfect Little Planet” at 7 p.m., followed by “Skies Over Georgia” at 8 p.m.

Young Harris College President Cathy Cox to Step Down in June

Young Harris College President Cathy Cox announced today that she will formally step down from the position in June 2017 to accept the role of dean of Mercer University’s School of Law.

Young Harris College Choirs Present Spring Concert

Featuring the Concert Choir and Chamber Choir, YHC will present a Spring Concert on March 18,

Young Harris College’s Annual Reece Lecture to Feature Acclaimed Poet and Critic Tony Hoagland

The annual Reece Lecture at Young Harris College will feature American poet and critic Tony Hoagland on Tuesday, March 28, at 7 p.m.