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YHC’s Dr. Johnathan Davis Earns the 2020 Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award

Young Harris College recently announced that Dr. Johnathan Davis earned the 2020 Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award. The $1,000 award is sponsored by Vulcan Materials Company. It was established in 1991 to honor outstanding professors on select member campuses of the Georgia Independent College Association.

YHC Thanks Supporters of the 2020 Clay Dotson Open

On Monday, Aug. 10, Young Harris College hosted the 16th annual Clay Dotson Open golf tournament at Brasstown Valley Resort to raise money for student scholarships. Approximately 80 golfers played in the tournament, which raised more than $65,000.

Young Harris College Welcomes Students Back to Campus, Remains Closed to Visitors

Young Harris College will soon welcome students back to campus for the fall semester. Residential students move in the week of Aug. 10, and fall classes start Aug. 17.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, YHC is only open to its faculty, staff and students at this time.

Register for the Clay Dotson Open Golf Tournament on Aug. 10

Young Harris College invites community members to register for the 16th annual Clay Dotson Open on Monday, Aug. 10 at Brasstown Valley Resort in Young Harris, Georgia. This highly anticipated golf tournament is YHC’s premier fundraising event for student scholarships.Sponsorships, player registrations, mulligans and more are available for purchase at

Young Harris College Announces Highlights of Dining Services Plan

Today, Young Harris College announced the key points of its Dining Services plan. The plan is informed by and complies with current best practice recommendations,Gov. Kemp’s executive ordersand guidance from theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.Please click here to view highlights of the Dining Services plan.

Young Harris College Announces Highlights of Move-in Plan

Today, Young Harris College announced the key points of its move-in plan for new and returning residential students. The plan is informed by and complies with current best practice recommendations,Gov. Kemp’s executive ordersand guidance from theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention.Please click here to view highlights of the move-in plan.

YHC’s Follow-up Statement on Racial Injustice

During our period of social silence, we have been listening intently to your feedback. Many members of our team are brainstorming ways that Young Harris College can better implement our commitments to diversity, inclusion, equality and justice in areas including our academic curriculum and campus culture.

UPDATED July 27: Young Harris College Announces Phased Return-to-Class Plan

Today, Young Harris College announced a phased plan to return to classes. The plan is informed by and complies with current best practice recommendations, Gov. Kemp’s executive orders and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The College notes the plan may be changed as a result of new information, orders and guidance. Please click here to view the full plan.

Young Harris College Announces On-Time Start, Modifies Academic Calendar

Young Harris College announced today that classes for the fall 2020 semester will begin on Monday, Aug. 17, as previously scheduled. Modifications to the Academic Calendar have been made, and in-person classes will end on Friday, Nov. 20, prior to the Thanksgiving break. The last scheduled week of fall 2020 classes, Monday, Nov. 30 – Friday, Dec. 4, will take place via distance learning, and exams will be administered online from Monday, Dec. 7 – Friday, Dec. 11.

Students Named to President’s List and Dean’s List at Young Harris College

Young Harris College President Drew L. Van Horn, Ph.D., is pleased to announce that the following students have been named to the College’s President’s List and Dean's List for the spring 2020 semester.

Statement on Racial Injustice and the Killings of Black Americans from Dr. Drew L. Van Horn, President, Young Harris College

At Young Harris College, our historic affiliation with the United Methodist Church and our commitment to the Wesleyan tradition of higher education call us to develop trained minds and warm hearts. We seek to understand the roots of this evil that afflicts our society, to learn how it grows and poisons us, and to use this knowledge to build a better world in which such evil withers. To do so, we strive to build a diverse campus, one community composed of different races, different genders, different ages, different faiths and different life experiences. Yet for all these differences, we believe that each member of our community is perfectly equal in value, as each of us is equal before God.

Young Harris College Distributes $509,660 in CARES Act Funding to Aid Students

Young Harris College recently distributed $509,660 it received as part of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to directly assist eligible students who are facing financial challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Update from the President on YHC Operations during COVID-19

"The danger of COVID-19 to our students, our faculty and staff, our loved ones, and the people of Towns County and the region is real. It poses a fundamental threat to lives and livelihoods. As President, it is my duty to do all in my power to mitigate this threat to our community. Therefore, today I announce thatall spring 2020 courses will be offered online for the rest of the semester, and the May 9 Commencement ceremony will be postponed until a later date to be determined."

UPDATED March 26: Responses to FAQs Regarding COVID-19’s Impact on YHC’s Operations

Below are responses to the frequently asked questions the YHC Pandemic Preparedness Team has received. If you still have questions after reviewing these responses, please use the email address[email protected]or the dedicated phone number(706) 379-5383. We ask for patience as we navigate the complex impacts that this situation is having on YHC’s operations. We are making informed, real-time decisions and keeping the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff top of mind.

UPDATE: Important Updates Regarding COVID-19

Effective March 16, Young Harris College will transition all its academic curriculum delivery for an interim period of time to our online learning management system, Moodle.

UPDATE: Preparing for COVID-19 (coronavirus)

The College continues to monitor public health information related to COVID-19. With no reports of infection in Towns County or the local public health district, risks to students and employees remain low, so the College currently plans to restart classes on schedule Monday, March 16. However, in keeping with federal and state recommendations, the College is taking precautions.

Preparing for COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Young Harris College established a Pandemic Taskforce Response Team that’s actively engaged in monitoring the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation and preparing our campus to continue operations in a safe and healthy manner.

YHC Students Research and Present on the Importance of Clean Water Practices in Southern Appalachia

Eight students from Young Harris College recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to present their research and experiences from a semester-long project about the importance of water quality in Southern Appalachia.

Young Harris College Presents Fine Arts Events for February

Young Harris College invites the community to attend fine arts events in February. All events will take place on the YHC campus, which is located at 1 College St., Young Harris, Georgia.

YHC and Hiawassee Police Departments Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Young Harris College’s Police Department recently partnered with the Hiawassee Police Department to sign a memorandum of understanding. This written agreement between the two agencies allows them to provide law enforcement support to one another when needed.