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Corrina LSC Photo

Corrina, Art Major

Being a student at Young Harris College is a dream that would not have come true without the generosity of our wonderful donors. Young Harris College is truly a place where I am pushed mentally, protected endlessly, and perpetually blessed.

Peyton LSC Photo

Peyton, History Major

I have found a new home at Young Harris College. Because of your generosity, I will be able to graduate from Young Harris College and go on to become a history teacher. It wouldn’t be possible without you!

Kellie LSC Photo

Kellie, Education Major

I would not be able to attend Young Harris College if it wasn’t for the scholarships I have received. Young Harris College has provided countless doorways to improve my education which allows me to become the best version of myself. Thank you!

Ways to Give

Your generosity, whether $5 or $50,000, will join the generosity of others to make a combined, immediate impact.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out!

Office of Advancement
(706) 379-5173

a person sitting at a desk with a laptop and papers

Click Here to Give Online

For all gifts, including recurring gifts, tribute gifts or gifts designated for special scholarships and other funds, please complete our secure online form.

YHC campus building

Give by Mail

Mail your gift to the address below. Please note the fund you’d like to support in the memo line. Scroll down for options.

Young Harris College Office of Advancement
P.O. Box 275
Young Harris, GA 30582

Funds at YHC

Below are our four major funds here at Young Harris College. Beyond these, we have various special interest funds like the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Scholarship Fund, the Louisa Franklin Female Empowerment Scholarship Fund, and the Trailblazer: First-Generation Scholarship Fund among others. All the options can be found on our online giving form, and you can also write-in another fund if you don’t see it listed.

2023 Grads

Young Harris Fund

Gifts made to the Young Harris Fund go to work immediately to meet Young Harris College’s most important needs and priorities.

Mail your gift to the address below or make a gift online.

Young Harris College Office of Advancement
P.O. Box 275
Young Harris, GA 30582

Alumni Weekend 2023

Class Scholarship Challenge

The Class Scholarship Challenge engages each alumni class in friendly competition to get as many donors from their class as possible to directly support the next generation of YHC students!

Contact Director of Alumni Services Dana Ensley with questions.
(706) 379 – 5336
Email Dana


Local Scholarship Campaign

For more than a decade, the Bob and Carol Head Local Scholarship Campaign (LSC) at Young Harris College has given local students the opportunity to learn, grow and excel in the Enchanted Valley.

Contact Director of Development and Corporate Relations Bobbie Thompson with questions.
(706) 379 – 5334
Email Bobbie



Friends of the Arts

Membership in Friends of the Arts (FOTA) enables the College’s Division of Fine Arts to continue offering quality programming that benefits students and enhances the local culture.

Contact Director of Development and Corporate Relations Bobbie Thompson with questions.
(706) 379 – 5334
Email Bobbie

Young Harris College Pins

Join the 1886 Society

Unrestricted and restricted gifts of $1,000 or more made during the College’s fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) qualify you for 1886 Young Harris Society membership. Gifts may be made online, by mail, or in person.

Contact Senior Director of Leadership & Legacy Giving Robin Harp with questions.
(706) 379 – 5237
Email Robin

Engrave a Brick

Engrave a Brick

Leave more than a memory at Young Harris College. Honor friends, loved ones, your graduating class or favorite organization by engraving their name on a brick paver, or buy a piece of history for yourself.

Contact Director of Advancement Services Tonya Nix with questions.
(706) 379 – 5227
Email Tonya


Join the Hill Society with a Planned Gift

Your act of generosity helps our longevity. With planned giving, you can provide long-lasting support for Young Harris College while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

Contact Senior Director of Leadership & Legacy Giving Robin Harp with questions.
(706) 379 – 5237
Email Robin

a statue of a person riding a horse

Create an Endowment

An endowment is a college’s financial cornerstone, its core ability to fuel progress and provide support for students, faculty, academic programs, and extracurriculars.

Contact Senior Director of Leadership & Legacy Giving Robin Harp with questions.
(706) 379 – 5237
Email Robin


Register NOW for the 21st annual Clay Dotson Open!

Held at the beautiful Brasstown Valley Resort, this annual spring golf tournament benefits student scholarships at Young Harris College. Nearly 100 percent of YHC students receive some form of financial assistance. All proceeds from this annual tournament go toward student scholarships.

Contact Director of Development and Corporate Relations Bobbie Thompson with questions.
(706) 379 – 5334
Email Bobbie

tulips in the rain

Thank you!

To achieve our mission, we depend on the generous support of individuals like you. We are grateful for your generosity and hope you take great pride in the important difference that your gift makes in the lives of our students.

If you have any questions about your gift or would like information about other giving opportunities at Young Harris College, please contact the Office of Advancement

On behalf of our faculty, staff and students, thank you again for your investment in Young Harris College.


Mark Dotson Signature

Mark Dotson
Vice President for Advancement

Sharp Hall

Contact the Office of Advancement

Physical location
The upper level of Sharp Hall

Mailing address
P.O. Box 275
Young Harris, GA  30582

Advancement Staff

(706) 379-5173 or toll-free at (800) 241-3754

Email the Office of Alumni Engagement
(706) 379-5336