Dr. Jen Julian
Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Humanities
Dr. Jen Julian joined the Young Harris College faculty in 2019. Her short story collection, Earthly Delights, and Other Apocalypses, was the winner of Press 53’s Fiction Prize and was published in Fall 2018. Her work explores the aesthetic and political potential of surreal, magical, and gothic genres, and her stories and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including SmokeLong Quarterly, Greensboro Review, and Chattahoochee Review, among other places. Due to her diverse interests, Dr. Julian enjoys overseeing YHC’s Undergraduate Research Program and mentoring students to pursue their individual research passions. When she is not teaching or writing, she enjoys illustrating, practicing yoga, growing vegetables, and tending to the whims of her enormous ginger cat.
Ph.D. English, University of Missouri – Columbia
B.F.A. Creative Writing, University of North Carolina Greensboro
B.A. English, College of Charleston
- Contemporary Fiction
- Creative Nonfiction and Memoir
- Drama
- Genre Theory: Science Fiction, Fantastic Narrative, and Horror
- Folklore Studies