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Dr. Brian C. Hoffman

Dr. Brian C. Hoffman

Professor of Chemistry & Computer Science - Mathematics, Science & Technology

(706) 379-5134

Jessie Homesley

Jessie Homesley

Head Coach-Softball, Mountain Lion 1000 Instructor

R. Terry Hooper

R. Terry Hooper

Adjunct Instructor of Music

Leeah Hughes

Leeah Hughes

Assistant to the Provost, Mountain Lion 1000 Instructor

(706) 379-5141


Dr. C. Todd Jones

Professor of Business & Public Policy, Dean of the Division of Professional Studies, and Director of the Institute for Leadership, Business, & Public Policy - Professional Studies

(706) 379-5123

Dr. Linda G. Jones

Dr. Linda G. Jones

Professor of Biology, Dean of the Division of Mathematics, Science & Technology - Mathematics, Science & Technology

(706) 379-5352

Dr. Jennifer Julian

Dr. Jen Julian

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Humanities

(706) 379-5330

Craig Kahle

Craig Kahle

Adjunct Instructor of Business

Amber Knapp

Amber Knapp

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Dr. Susan Farley Krebs

Dr. Susan Farley Krebs

Assistant Professor of Education - Professional Studies

(706) 379-5330

Dr. Andrea L. Kwiatkowski

Dr. Andrea L. Kwiatkowski

Professor of Biology, Chair of Natural Sciences - Mathematics, Science & Technology

(706) 379-5241

Michael Lalone

Michael Lalone

Adjunct Instructor of Art

Chris Lay

Dr. Christopher Lay

Assistant Professor of Philosophy - Humanities

(706) 379-5261

Mark Leek

Mark Leek

Adjunct Instructor of Education

Matthew Lempke

Matthew Lempke

Adjunct Instructor of History

Debra March

Debra March

Assistant Professor of Library Science, Dean of Library Services

(706) 379-5196

Joshua L. Martin

Joshua L. Martin

Adjunct Instructor of English

Kelcie Matthews

Kelcie Matthews

Assistant Athletic Trainer, Adjunct Instructor of Outdoor, Recreation, and Sport Studies - Professional Studies

Kelsie Mayes

Kelsie Mayes

Adjunct Instructor of History

Glenn Mcguffin Headshot

Glenn McGuffin

Adjunct Instructor of Accounting

Joshua McMains

Joshua McMains

Adjunct Instructor of Psychology

Rebecca “Becky” Miller

Rebecca Becky Miller

Adjunct Instructor of Art and Design

Deborah E. Nichols

Deborah E. Nichols

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Tonya Nix

Tonya Nix

Director of Advancement Services

(706) 379-5227

Matt Osborn Headshot

Matthew Osborn

Associate Professor of Business - Professional Studies

Ian Oxman

Ian Oxman

Instructor of Marketing - Professional Studies

Sandra T. Page

Sandra T. Page

Adjunct Instructor of Education

John Tommy Palmer

John Tommy Palmer

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Dr. Joseph A. Pate

Dr. Joseph A. Pate

Professor of Outdoor Studies, Chair, Department of Sport, Recreation, and Outdoor Studies - Professional Studies

(706) 379-5248

Dr. Robert A. Peacock

Dr. Robert A. Peacock

Associate Professor of Mathematics - Mathematics, Science & Technology

(706) 379-5158

Dr. Jason Pierce

Dr. Jason Pierce

Provost, Professor of English

(706) 379-5060


Dr. Joanna Pierce

Adjunct Instructor of English

Dr. Ambyre Ponvias

Dr. Ambyre Ponivas

Assistant Professor of Communication - Humanities

(706) 379-5280

Scott Racek

Scott Racek

Adjunct Instructor of Political Science

Megan Ridley

Megan Ridley

Assistant Dean for Campus Life, Mountain Lion 1000 Instructor

(706) 379-5340

Steven Riera

Steven Riera

Science Laboratory Instructor and Technician - Mathematics, Science & Technology

(706) 379-5258

Brenda Rombalski

Brenda Rombalski

Instructor of Communication Studies - Humanities

Dr. Shelley M. Sanderson

Dr. Shelley M. Sanderson

Associate Professor of Music Coordinator of the Music Education Program - Fine Arts

(706) 379-5236

Dr. Diana I. Santiago

Dr. Diana I. Santiago

Professor of Spanish, Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages - Humanities

(706) 379-5264