Philosophy, Minor
About Philosophy at Young Harris College
Philosophy minors prepare students for any major or career that demands insight, careful problem-solving, and ethical intelligence, including jobs in legal studies, medical professions, or the implementation of ethical business practices.
Philosophy minor requirements
To graduate with a minor in Philosophy from YHC, you’ll take 18 hours of coursework.
Required Courses:
Elective Courses:
Minor Courses:
Some of our most popular Philosophy classes include:
PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy:
PHIL 1300 Logic and Critical Thinking:
SOCI 3301 Environmental Sociology:
“Young Harris allows me the freedom to teach my philosophy courses in ways that meet students through subjects that are interesting and meaningful to them. We discuss complex ideas through everything from literature, movies, video games, and comic books—and I do not think I could do this at other schools.”